Protecting US Dollar Supremacy

It Ain’t Cheap Baby! In the PC world folks have a hard time accepting that the US might is what guarantees US right.,not merely for posturing but for legitimately keeping us and our currency and even our way of life ON TOP.   Oh they might see us as bullies. Surprise!! Wake up! The world already sees us as bullies. They can’t do anything about it now can they? Nor would they choose to. Not without upsetting their very own economies and thus way of life. Many people, especially Americans have no idea the the US Dollar is THE currency with … Continue reading Protecting US Dollar Supremacy

Is Julian Assange BLACKMAILING his way to Freedom?

In a very provacatively teasing manner, Wiki Leak’s Julian Assange this week announced his intention to release very damaging e mails from and or regarding Democrat US Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton. Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassador’s residence in London for the past four years to avoid extradition to the United States on espionage charges. Why the tease? Why not simply release the info for the world? poses the possibility of a detente, a deal with Clinton and perhaps the Obama Administration. Is what Assange has so devastating to US National Security that a back … Continue reading Is Julian Assange BLACKMAILING his way to Freedom?